towards the horizon

AFLeartLey's personal blog

I played,like,2 hrs of osu from about 7 to 9 and my hands got extremely powerless when I'm about to got off is this something natrual i think it is

2021.7.3 6k 8th dan clear

家への戻りが始まったの次の瞬間に雨も始まった 濡れられないの為に急がった、今疲れすぎる でも雨は家への戻りの壁になることはできない!(? 壁は Hi Hi Hi 壞せるものさ Hi Hi Hi 倒せるものさ 自分からもっとチカラを出してよ(?? ww

I thought I came to play table tennis But some time later it became an offline party of cyber games Wut

Spending nearly all the time playing games these days.. Though I'm not really wanted to do so,there's literally nothing else I can do these time to spend my time BRUH

Hello World

With excitement,I have set up my own blog,right here. It's also a kind of pleasure to take part in the internet like people multiple years ago,though it's not that accurate to say so.But It's obvious that the new generation of people haldl…