towards the horizon

AFLeartLey's personal blog

Hello World

With excitement,I have set up my own blog,right here.

It's also a kind of pleasure to take part in the internet like people multiple years ago,though it's not that accurate to say so.But It's obvious that the new generation of people haldly own a blog,at least people i've met and i've seen don't.As a result,it's hard to imagine how people will react when you ask them what a blog is.

As a LR2 player,I came here because of

which was seen when I was trying out Angel Dust -Abyss-.Maybe it's a surprise,maybe it's dedicated, but I think maybe this will be the place I store how I feel and what I've seen from today on.

For my Japanese is not good enough,I'll write my blog only with English right now.Maybe I'll try to write some in Japanese soon.